“Miller Isar, Inc.’s mission is to support the achievement of client business objectives through holistic, thoughtful, disciplined, insightful, and sustainable regulatory compliance, as a trusted advisor and advocate. Our goal and promise to our clients is to enable clients to embrace regulatory compliance as a strategic advantage in meeting customer needs and building corporate value. Through our mission, we aim to broaden our clients’ trust in our ability to meet their needs.”
—Andrew Isar, President
About Miller Isar
Founded in 1991, Miller Isar, Inc. is one of the nation’s oldest regulatory consulting firms, whose practice concentrates on the communications industry. Headquarted near Seattle, WA, with offices in Portland, OR, Miller Isar focuses its practice on Regulatory Compliance, Public Policy, and Business Practices, as they relate to Regulatory obligations. Through ongoing compliance support, reporting, research, and consultation, Miller Isar also provides in depth review and analysis of federal and state regulatory issues affecting client business and strategy, and represents clients on public policy matters before regulators. By specializing in the business regulations aspect of the communications industry, Miller Isar offers clients solid regulatory and business experience, and a cost-effective fee structure.
Since its inception, Miller Isar has been at the forefront of regulatory compliance, through representation of interexchange carriers, competitive local exchange carriers, broadband data service providers, and prepaid service providers. Miller Isar has been privileged to serve a wide range of companies, from new market entrants to well established public corporations, as well as a national telecommunications industry association.
The firm’s professional consultants possess the extensive legal, industry, and regulatory backgrounds necessary to effectively meet clients’ regulatory objectives. Their experience brings depth and breath to Miller Isar’s regulatory team. Miller Isar has a long-standing legacy of being a complete client resource and regulatory guide. By imparting perspective and a better understanding the regulatory process, Miller Isar equips clients to use regulation as a strategic tool, rather than simply as a necessary obligation. Miller Isar works closely with clients to develop the strong personal relationships and trust critical in achieving regulatory and business success.